benefits of walking

Walk Talk Action Founder, Teri Elder, talks to Radio Stoke’s Susan Hanks about the benefits of walking and the great outdoors.

It’s as simple as putting one foot in front of the other, but there are a multitude of benefits to walking. And they come both physically and mentally.

Teri Elder, discusses the many benefits of walking in a short interview for Radio Stoke. And tells us how Walk Talk Action can help people get back to a better state of mind.

Listen to the interview

The physical health benefits of walking

Walking is a low-impact form of exercise that can help improve cardiovascular health and is one of the easiest ways to become more active. It also helps increase muscle strength and endurance, balance and coordination.

Moreover, walking and being around nature can lead to a better night’s sleep. Exposure to natural light during the day can help to regulate your body’s circadian rhythm, which can improve sleep quality.

Going for a walk – long or short – can help prevent weight gain and fatigue and lessens the risk of chronic disease.

The physical health benefits of walking checklist

  • Helps with weight loss

  • Improves cardiovascular health and lung capacity

  • Lowers blood pressure

  • Reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer, stroke and diabetes.

  • Boosts immunity

  • Speeds up digestion

  • Lowers sugar cravings

  • Prevents disability in old age

  • Improves varicose veins

The mental health benefits of walking

Walking helps reduce stress and anxiety levels. Studies have shown that spending time around nature can help to lower cortisol levels (cortisol is the hormone associated with stress).

Walking and being surrounded nature is thought to have a restorative effect on the brain, which can lead to improved mood. This, in turn helps reduce symptoms of depression.

Furthermore, being among nature helps boost creativity and problem-solving skills. Studies have shown that exposure to natural environments can improve cognitive function.

The mental health benefits of walking checklist

  • Improves mood, alleviates anxiety and depression

  • Reduces the risk of dementia

  • Reduces stress by lowering cortisol levels

  • Improves cognitive function

  • Improves self-esteem

  • Walking with others reduces feelings of loneliness and isolation

benefits of walking

Walking has been shown to reduce the risk of dementia and prevent disability in old age.

Motivation for walking

Here are some tips to motivate you to go outside and start walking – using the Walk Talk Action ethos…

  • Set goals

    One of the best motivators for regular walking is goal setting. Targets such as a specific distance or time are great motivators. You can also attempt to better your times on particular routes. Hitting your targets can help give you a sense of achievement.

  • Find a walking buddy

    Walking with a friend or family member can make the experience more enjoyable and help keep you accountable.

  • Use technology

    Use apps or devices to track your progress and keep you motivated. This can include fitness trackers, pedometers, or apps that provide information about local walking trails.

  • Make it social

    Join a walking group or organise a walking event with friends or colleagues. This can make the experience more social and help build a sense of community.

  • Make it fun

    Make your walks more fun by listening to music, taking photos, or playing games like scavenger hunt.

When you’re out for a walk, try and forget about things you’re worried about and focus on your surroundings. Be mindful of your senses.

Take deep breaths and notice the sights, sounds, and smells around you. Try to let go of any thoughts or worries that arise and focus on the present moment.

You can also try a mindfulness exercises – such as counting your breaths or doing a body scan – to help you stay focused.

Walking with Walk Talk Action

Walk Talk Action is a unique and innovative initiative that promotes physical activity, mental health, and social connections. We do this by combining walking, talking, and taking action to support social causes.

Here are some of the benefits of getting involved with Walk Talk Action:

  • Improves physical and mental wellbeing

    As indicated in the checklists above, walking is great for both physical and mental health.

  • Improves social connections

    Walking and talking with others can help build social connections and a sense of community. This, consequently, reduces feelings of loneliness and isolation.

  • Supports local causes

    By taking action on local causes, Walk Talk Action participants can make a positive difference in their communities and feel a sense of purpose and fulfilment.

  • Suitable for everyone

    Walk Talk Action is an inclusive initiative that is accessible to people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds.

Do you need our help?

To find out more about how Walk Talk Action can help, you can email Teri at Or, if you’d like to join one of our sessions, you can complete our application form.