children in need

What an incredible couple of hours we had at Longton Park with Pudsey and Liz Ellis from BBC Radio Stoke

It’s good to walk (and talk)

The purpose of this walk and talk was to:

  • Encourage people to head outside;
  • Help raise awareness of the physical and mental wellbeing benefits of walking and talking; and
  • Raise funds for BBC Children in Need.

For us, walking, talking and taking action is what we do throughout the year.

children in need

First and foremost, thank you to BBC Radio Stoke for inviting Walk Talk Action along to your walk and talk with Liz Ellis for Children in Need. It was lovely to meet Liz, Sarah, Ruby, Pannya and of course, Pudsey!

children in need

Liz Ellis from BBC Radio Stoke interviews some of the volunteers

Liz, thank you for taking the time to talk to us. And allowing our volunteers the opportunity and experience of being interviewed for the radio.

We had the pleasure of walking and talking with Breastfeeding Network Stoke, and Laura Lyth who is a local author of children’s books.

Such a lovely group of people.

To all of our volunteers, to Regent College and to everyone that joined… thank you to each and every one of you for being there and supporting Walk Talk Action.

It really means the world to us, knowing that we have you.

And to the people who gave Laura a pep talk when she was overcome with feelings of self-doubt… thank you 😊