mental health story

When Rebecca first contacted Walk Talk Action, she suffered from anxiety and felt socially isolated. Now she’s back in work, doing what she loves.

When people come walking with Walk Talk Action, we ask them to introduce themselves. If they want to say more they can.

But when Rebecca first started walking with us, she was very shy and didn’t want to engage.

After a few weeks she started to open up a bit more and we got to the root of the problem. We discovered that together with postnatal depression, she also felt very anxious and socially isolated.

Setting the goals

Rebecca loves writing and literature. Hence, we decided that part of her goal would be to one day write a book. The other part being to get back into work.

As the weeks went by, Rebecca made friends with people in the groups and even started to come to the workshops. Moreover, she also supported other WTA participants with their goals.

“I have managed to get back into work and find a new career path. My self-esteem and confidence are on the mend and, honestly, I put most of it down to meeting you [Teri] and Walk Talk Action.

You [Teri] are one of the loveliest people I have ever met and your children are just amazing. Thank you so much for everything. Without you and our Tuesday walks, I don’t think I’d be here now.”

Rebecca, 10-Step Programme participant.

Getting back into work

Now Rebecca is back in work doing what she loves.

We haven’t quite managed to sort the book yet. But things are in place to help her when she is ready for another goal! We’re so proud of her and chuffed she has found the courage and determination to get back to work.

You are a fantastic Mum and wonderful person, Rebecca. Thank you for letting us be part of your journey.

Do you need our help?

To find out more about how Walk Talk Action can help, you can email Teri at Or, if you’d like to join one of our sessions, you can complete our application form.