Help for


help for veterans

We are

Here for you

Here for you

Walk Talk Action provides help and support for veterans and service leavers living in Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire.

Here you’ll discover what a veteran or service leaver is and the mental health problems that affect them. We’ll also explain the services that WTA offers, which provide help for veterans and service leavers.

What is a veteran or service leaver?

What is a veteran or service leaver?

Here are the descriptions provided by the Ministry of Defence (MoD):

A Veteran is someone who has served for at least one day in HM Armed Forces (Regular or Reserve) or Merchant Mariners who have seen duty on legally defined military operations.

A Service Leaver is a term for someone who is in transition from or has ceased to be a member of HM Armed Forces. The term ‘service leaver’ is typically used in legal documents, as understanding and use of the term ‘veteran’ does vary, not least among those who have served. In fact, many former Armed Forces personnel in the UK do not define themselves as ‘veterans’.

Transition from military life to Civvy Street can be hard and lead to struggles in your mental health. Walk Talk Action can help you back to a better state of mind. We also offer support to families of military personnel.

Mental health issues that affect veterans and service leavers

Mental health issues that affect veterans and service leavers

Common mental health issues among veterans and service leavers include depression, anxiety and alcohol related problems. Although much emphasis has been placed on PTSD, reported cases of the disorder are relatively low. Prevalence among veterans is no greater than it is among civilians.

The causes of mental health issues among veterans and service leavers vary and can be complicated.

How we can help

How we can help

If you’re a veteran or service leaver or you know someone who is, there are several ways that Walk Talk Action can help.

We provide a range of services, all of which encourage you to explore who you are. By discovering your strengths and doing more of what you enjoy most in life, you can achieve a better state of mind.

Here’s what we do to help veterans and service leavers…

mental health real life stories

Walk & Talk

We offer weekly group walks to get people outside and enjoy nature. Being surrounded by nature is proven to reduce not only your stress but your mood, overall mental health, and wellbeing.

Tea & Toast

Tea & Toast is a drop-in session that connects professionals and members of the community. The aim is to help build relationships that will benefit everyone. It’s held at St. Francis Church, Sandon Road, Meir Heath, Stoke-on-Trent ST3 7LH.

10-Step Programme

Our 10-Step Programme offers a bespoke walk, talk, action plan for each participant. We set goals and work towards them through a range of therapeutic programmes, approaches and activities.

Our Retreat

Our Retreat

The Walk Talk Action Retreat in Fenpark is a place where some of our programmes and goals come together. It’s a beautiful space where community members can engage in different programmes, access support, meet other people and learn new skills.

walk talk action retreat
walk talk action retreat
walk talk action retreat
walk talk action retreat

What people think of our services

What people think of our services

Here are just a few of the people who have completed our 10-Step Programme and been kind enough to tell us what they think…

I contacted Teri after losing my dear Mum in lockdown. I was hesitant at first as my confidence had slipped away. But I was soon walking with Teri and the other ladies and gents. We shared stories etc. I thoroughly enjoyed my time out and felt like I had achieved something great.

What a turnaround my life has taken since then. I’m now getting my confidence back. I would recommend Walk Talk Action to anyone who’s struggling in life.


Walk Talk Action has helped me more than anybody could ever imagine. I only have one sentence to put it into words: I can honestly say that I don’t know if I would be here right now, if it wasn’t for their help and support.


Walk talk action has helped me get out of the house, given me some independence away from all the roles in my life and given me a place to truly be me.

Thank you, Teri, I will be forever grateful. You’ve helped me find parts of myself that I thought I’d lost.


I have managed to get back into work and find a new career path. My self-esteem and confidence are on the mend and, honestly, I put most of it down to meeting Teri and Walk Talk Action.

Teri is one of the loveliest people I have ever met and her children are just amazing. Thank you so much for everything. Without you and our Tuesday walks, I don’t think I’d be here now.


We walk, we talk and we take action

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