support for veterans

Teri Elder, Founder of Walk Talk Action, explains more about the organisation’s aims and support for veterans

Walk Talk Action is a not-for-profit charitable organisation that helps veterans back to a better state of mind through walking, talking and taking action towards achieving their goals.

The organisation has helped over 500 people directly and hundreds more alongside, indirectly.

Someone to listen

We believe it’s important to help the forces community. I myself am a veteran and the veterans that have come to Walk Talk Action have truly valued the experience.

We’re here to listen and help them figure out what it is they want in life and what the future holds.

This is especially important when leaving the forces. It can feel like a whole new world adapting to life on civvy street again.

Whether it’s been one year or 22 years of service, we each have a story to tell. And we’ve dedicated our lives to serving our Queen and country.

We want to reassure ex service people that WTA is here to offer support for veterans.

WTA is located at Fenton Fields in Fenton Park. It’s a work in progress where volunteers work twice a week to help cut down trees and do some pond dipping. Volunteers also brainstorm how we can design the area so it looks like a harbour.

It’s a really cool space – wild and wonderful, some might say. There’s also a great walk that surrounds the local green area.

Helping veterans achieve their goals

We run weekly walks for the community and a veterans-only walk every week in different locations.

We do try and hold a longer walk every six weeks for those that enjoy a good steady walk. We go to places like Macclesfield Forest, Cannock Chase and Knypersley Reservoir to name just a few.

We always ask the veterans what their ultimate goals are in life. Then break them down into manageable chunks. We help them achieve their first few steps towards their goals.

It gives them a purpose and a way forward. A starting point.

And I think we have all learnt that the first few steps to making any kind of change is always the hardest.

You are breaking away from the norm and trying to create a new habit.

Our 10-step programme is dedicated to putting such things into action. The plans of action depends, of course, on the type of goal.

support for veterans

Walk Talk Action holds a veterans-only walk every week in different locations.

WTA continues to grow from strength to strength.

Our work with the forces community has been formally recognised by the Ministry of Defence. We were awarded with a Defence Employer Recognition Scheme Silver Award in 2021 for our actions and support.

support for veterans
support for veterans

Teri Elder receiving the Armed Force’s Covenant Employer Recognition Scheme Silver Award at the Royal Arboretum.

The next steps for WTA

We are forever growing and adapting to new opportunities that come our way.

These can be new areas of land we are fortunate enough to look after. Or land to make into a retreat for veterans and those that may be struggling with their mental state of mind.

We listen to what people want and go with that, whichever direction that may take us.

Our sole ethos is to help those that want to make a change in their life and do our upmost to provide the connections and opportunities available to make those goals become a reality.

We help people overcome their fears and any other obstacles that they may face. This gives them a purpose and meaning in life. We are each born with a talent and WTA want to help people find theirs.

Can you help?

We are always on the lookout for:

  • Walk leaders
  • New walks – within Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire areas
  • Bushcraft and fieldcraft opportunities – to help educate our volunteers and other participants about the benefits of being outside in nature.

We also want to share our experiences of living outside, basic survival skills and general enjoyment of the outdoors.

Sometimes, all it takes is a good walk, talk and brew with a stranger that throws new seeds to sow.

People tell us what they need to work on and we help them along the way.

If you feel like you can help, please email Teri at

Do you need our help?

To find out more about how Walk Talk Action can help, you can email Teri at Or, if you’d like to join one of our sessions, you can complete our application form.